Heaven’s Vault

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GEN 3:15         REV 2:26        REV 20:9


SEVEN. Denotes Spiritual Perfection.
It is the number or the hall-mark of the Holy Spirit's Work. The Holy Spirit is the Author and Giver of life.

SIX. Denotes the human number.
Man was created in the sixth day. The first occurrence of the number makes it  (and all multiples of it) the hall-mark of all that is connected with man. Man works six days. The hours of man's day are a multiple of six. The great men that stood out in defiance of God (Goliath, Nebuchadnezzar & Lucifer/the Antichrist) are all emphatically marked by this number. The people that have overcome the Wicked One that walk with God and abide in Christ, the people that keep God's Works unto the End that have been given the Holy Spirit stand with God, they embrace the Way of Christ. Such people are given power to stand and be strong in the Lord. Such people will do exploits and they will forecast devices against "little horn". Such people are given power over the nations. Such people will reign forever with Christ and with God through the Holy Spirit. Such people are given power over those that stand in defiance against The Throne of God. Such that stand for the Throne of Heaven in defiance of evil to the End will be given the True Morning Star. Such that stand for and belong to God and the True Christ, will expose and stand against the Wicked One when the Wicked One will claim to be the Morning Star.

NINE. Denotes Finality of judgment. It is 3 x 3, the product of Divine completeness. The number nine, or its factors or multiples, is seen in all cases where judgment is the subject. The man of sin, the son of perdition, the false prophet, Lucifer himself, the beast, the Antichrist, is marked by the number 666. His numbers and factors/multiples always add up to nine.

God's Judgment against Lucifer is Final.
See the numbers that relate to the beast and to the false prophet below:

(a) 6 x 6 = 36, (3+6 = 9),
(b) 36 x 6 = 216, (2+1+6 = 9),
(c) [6 x 6 x 6 = 252], or [36 + 216 = 252], where (2+5+2 = 9).

Amazing these things are indeed!!

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