When Vision Becomes
A Reservoir Of Strength, Mankind Prospers.
Uriel Corporation. Give Us A Call.
The Uriel Corporation Think Tank engages in special operations initiatives that foster the development of the following goals and initiatives that are mentioned below on a contractual and or on a charitable basis where Uriel believes it can best engage in the development of strategic interests designed to bring about positive change. If your interests apply in developing such an activity contact Uriel that Uriel may involve you in a project in relation to the goals set forth below. You may also submit a project where Uriel may work with you to engage in developing your interest(s) as your interests might be aligned with the Word of God.
Uriel promotes these Goals & Initiatives and welcomes collaborations with leaders, nations, departments, agencies, companies, entities, associations, organizations, trusts, foundations, groups, and individuals that should embrace these goals, initiatives and values and welcomes all to embrace them or to build upon them as a foundation. Should you like to add to our concepts below or have comments, or would like to participate in developing a humanitarian or technological project, or if you would like to spearhead an initiative in relation to one or more of the goals mentioned below do not hesitate to contact us by email, phone, by mail, or by filling out our form on our contact page.
1. The development, implementation, and management of ever greater God-inspired collaborative efforts to move and inspire nations to form local, regional, national, and international policies that will catalyze growth and increase symbiotic interests.
Operations are suggested that will unify peoples leading to ever greater discoveries that will enable, assist, and empower mankind, for ever greater good, that God may increase a righteous spirituality upon the earth. The aim of such operations, is to inspire love and communication and lead mankind towards purification and to turn man from spiritual wickedness and or to lead all forms of evil that will not / or cannot turn to the Light of God to their destruction.
It is understood that mankind must lead those forces that do not subscribe to the ideals of Truth, Mercy, Love, and the Way of God and that strive against the perfection of the same to their proper end(s), while safeguarding interests that are within God's blessings, that evil and its constituents, and the source thereof, its course, its power, and its dark deceptive, seducing, slanderous, oppressive, lying, afflicting, murderous, parasitic, destroying way, may self-destruct by God's Infernal Vengeance.
Our works must be geared that God may bring comfort to all that mourn and comfort to those that have a thirst and hunger for righteousness.
Further, in relation to these goals, the development, implementation, and management of ever greater collaborative efforts is suggested until this course is perfected that will inspire faith where God may increase faith against any root of bitterness, offense and evil in the heart of man that the tree of bitterness, offense and evil may be plucked up by its roots and be cast into the sea of forgetfulness.
It is the aim of the Uriel Think Tank that this destroying, oppressive, corrupting tree, its yoke, and its burden may utterly cease, desist and die, that the Father of Lies and his power may be blotted out of existence, that the Father of lies may receive Eternal Torment as God may desire, that man may be more freely moved to proceed from Glory to Glory, that man and all creation that has recourse to God may receive an infinite outpouring of God's Blessings, that God's Blessings may be bestowed upon all the Body of Christ, (past, present and future that has recourse to God), that God may comfort all that mourn that have recourse to God as the Body of Christ is moved to receive these Blessings by God, the Creator, without delay.
2. The development, implementation, and management of greater God-inspired collaborative efforts to move nations to better service their people and the international community.
3. The development, implementation, and management of greater God-inspired collaborative efforts to move all nations to engage in development and operative initiatives that will strengthen them while giving each nation more ethical authority locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
4. The development, implementation, and management of greater God-inspired initiatives in the effort to repair disasters and enhance inspired communications between nations, companies, organizations, associations, and all peoples to minimize or dissolve world tensions when possible through proprietary and non-proprietary means, through focus groups and open forums, through discussions and through managed collaborative initiatives to promote mutual interests and the well being of all nations who seek The Good of the International Community.
The aim of this effort is to remove the yoke and the burden of darkness and evil from the peoples of all nations by leading them in the Way that Gives us Life more abundantly and that leads to the total Freedom and Victory of Christ where all that have recourse to God are led to follow and receive the Light of God where man receives the blessing of God to be governed by the principles of Faith as God proves Himself True where all that have recourse to God are moved by God in every direction that we, in God, are moved to ride in.
5. The implementation, and management of God-inspired proprietary and non-proprietary technology development initiatives aimed at eliminating the famine for hearing God's True Word inspiring True Prophesying where those Gifted one at a time may speak from the Holy Spirit that God may accomplish His Work (for God's Word does not return to Him Void, it accomplishes what it was sent out to do).
Initiatives should be aimed at eliminating world hunger; the development of technologies to improve the world health and medical condition, technology development that will lead to developing greater peaceful resolutions worldwide; and technological developments that will improve the quality of life and that will address other areas of need, while maintaining a greater focus on developing a more unified culture based on spiritual insight and the development of benevolent relationships with an emphasis on creating forums to address and unify humanity and address the needs of people, to increase the spiritual and financial wealth and the needs of all people that have recourse to God, to develop forums to address oppression and corruption in all countries, and to develop efforts to achieve advancement in areas other than just technological or financial prosperity alone by the Spirit of God.
6. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired programs to seed and nourish efforts to increase education, management, and national efforts all over the world, or wherever societies are established, to assist nations to develop into a greater more productive and inspired prolific fruitful brotherly maturity when possible rather than to force them into capitulation by undue coercion or force.
7. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired bridges in industries, between industries, and to industries throughout the world for the refinement and enhancement of the same.
8. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired bridges in nations, between nations, and to nations throughout the world, and or wherever life may exist and or be found, to enhance intersociety relationships and to reap, enjoy, and harness the greater good benefits and blessings found in all God-inspired cultures, races, peoples, tongues, societies, nations, and kings through righteous dutiful efforts, righteous works, and through God-inspired spiritually blessed collaborations.
9. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired forums to increase spiritual and philosophical understanding between individuals, cultures, races, localities, regions, organizations, associations, special interest groups, corporations, and nations for the greater benefit of all the Body of Christ.
10. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired mentoring initiatives to promote and advance the Will and Plan of God and His Agenda, where God uses those that He uses to:
* improve the skills and understanding of the Body of Christ (past, present, and future that has recourse to God) as God might desire;
* that God's Spirit may be poured out upon all flesh to empower all that will prophesy for God;
* that the Body of Christ, (past, present, & future that has recourse to God), may advance in the Will and Plan of God as God desires;
* that the Body of Christ, (past, present, & future that has recourse to God), may Walk Perfectly with God in a manner that is most pleasing to Him as God might desire;
* that the novice and the experienced Walking with God may make a greater difference in the world by getting involved in business, research, scientific, charitable, philosophical, spiritual, political, commercial, educational and other operations to Advance the Kingdom of God;
* that the Body of Christ (past, present, & future), that has recourse to God, may keep God's Works unto the end;
* that the Body of Christ (past, present, & future), that has recourse to God, may be more greatly blessed in this Age and in the Ages to come;
* that the blessing(s) of God may be completely poured out upon the Body of Christ (past, present, and future that has recourse to God) as God desires;
* that the Body of Christ, (past, present, and future that has recourse to God) may dwell in perfect joy, happiness, safety and peace as God gives perfect joy, happiness, safety and peace;
* that those that do not hearken to the voice of God's prophet, (concerning that prophet of God that Moses prophesied would come like unto him), may be destroyed from amongst the people as God has declared;
* that God may make all the enemies of Christ His footstool;
* that the works of the Devil may be destroyed;
* that the Devil, death, and the power of death may be destroyed;
* that God's Blessings may overtake the Body of Christ (past, present, & future), that has recourse to God, infinitely more so, infinitely more powerfully, and infinitely more abundantly now and in the future than ever before;
*that Life and Blessings may be poured out upon all creation that has recourse to God more abundantly;
* that the Age of Eternal Glory Without Evil may be ushered in with Great Power and Gentleness by God's Spirit throughout all Creation as things relate to the Age of Eternal Glory Without Evil as such pertains to all Creation that has recourse to God;
*that the Full Love of God may fill and embrace all Creation after God dissolves hate, after God brings all evil to an end, and after God gives Lucifer the second death to Lucifer as his reward;
* that the Blessings of God may be poured out only upon the past, present and future Body of Christ that has recourse to God as God will pour out His Blessings upon the past, present, and future Body of Christ that has recourse to God as God will pour out His Blessings.
11. The continual development, implementation, and management of God-inspired ideas, to advance peoples in all localities that have the earnest desire to learn and work diligently to maintain and or advance society and good interests.
12. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired local, regional, national, and international initiatives and ventures based upon meritorious concepts designed to assist humanity.
13. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired initiatives and ventures that will build greater honor between developing nations and superpowers that have the desire to learn and work on the common goal of developing the good interests of a greater and more productive and more inspired world society that will allow the earth to evolve to a higher state of consciousness towards embracing a Final "Enlightened Age", the Final Restoration, or the Apokatastasis, where Divine Will will become forever present and where the Light, Throne, And Power of God will be made manifest in its fullness and be present with all redeemed mankind and with all creation belonging to God, where God will shower those that belong to Him with His Infinitely Embracing Filling Glory.
14. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired initiatives that will engage in:
*technology development and respective proprietary and non-proprietary technology transfer operations that will enhance life and increase understanding and distribute greater spiritual, philosophical, political, and temporal wealth with true benevolence amongst the peoples of the world;
* that blessings may overflow, with a view towards development of goals and initiatives that will establish greater eternal wealth for peoples in every area which will in turn provide greater temporal blessings and guidance for every individual as is in accord with Divine Principles.
15. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired initiatives that will:
* develop increased Spiritual Enlightenment based upon Original Established Truths to open the spiritual eyes, ears, hearts and minds of all peoples to more fully embrace the Spirit of Truth that leads man to all truth and to remove the spirit of stupor and slumber, and to remove all hindering spirits, spirits of lack and poverty, and to remove the lack of knowledge that causes problems;
* lead all peoples to be a blessing to themselves and to others that God wants to bless;
* reverse the spirit of chaos and confusion and to destroy the fountain of falsehood that creates contrary doctrines and belief systems;
* remove spirits of division that separate and divide mankind against each other;
* promote Truth and to lead peoples to seek the Spirit of Truth, that the Spirit of Truth may move those that have recourse to God into all Truth;
* increase the signs and wonders of God,
* cause God to pour out His Spirit in full upon all flesh;
* cause God to pour out His Full Testimony related to bringing this corrupt age to its perfect End where the Glory of God will fill the earth and be a blessing to the Body of Christ (past, present and future);
* cause God to War Against the Beast without Limit;
* cause God to fulfill all things related to His Word,
* cause God to have the Lord Jesus Christ, return to this World, that this World might be a blessing for all Creation that God wants to bless;
* cause those that have recourse to God to follow beliefs and systems that are aligned with Originally Revealed Divine Truth;
* cause all that all that are led by God to expose the power of darkness that creates false religions and creates false belief systems;
* cause Mystery Babylon, the false and corrupt religious, political, and commercial systems (that wars against the legitimate foundation of Truth and True Commerce and Politics of Purity) to be destroyed;
* cause the reversal of all chaos and confusion created by Satan through Satan's falsehoods and lies and by his false teachings as such have arisen or as such are arising and or as such will arise from the Devil, from his fallen angels, from his followers, and or as such is propagated by a lack of knowledge;
* cause the removal of all evil influence and the effects of evil, to remove the evil that has permeated the temporal sphere and the temporal age throughout all creation replacing it and overcoming it with GOOD;
* cause those that have recourse to God to partake of:
--- the Tree of Life;
--- the Tree of Life and God Almighty Taking Up His Power to Provide Power to those that shall prophesy by His Spirit and where God shall Provide Power to His Two Witnesses to fulfill the Testimony that the Two Witnesses will provide as they are moved by God's Holy Spirit to prophesy; even as it is written in the Book of Revelation Chapter 11;
--- the Tree of Life Pouring Out God's Plagues, Torments, and Curses to all the enemies of Christ, including the Adversary of Christ and followers of the Antichrist;
--- the Tree of Life defending the Word of God from Further Corruption;
--- the Tree of Life defending the integrity of the Word of God;
--- the Tree of Life delivering the Redeemed from: Defeat, a Fallen Countenance, Disappointment, Despair, Hindrances, Obstacles, Stumbling Blocks, Hopelessness, Poverty, Lack, Chaos, Corruption, Falsehoods, Accusations, Deceptions, Temptations, Witchcraft, Slanderings, Strife, Contention, Problems, Irritations, Tribulation, and from the Power and the Wiles of the Devil and from all that will belong to Lucifer forever;
--- the Tree of Life adding plagues to any man that adds to the prophecies of the Book of Revelation;
--- the Tree of Life taking away any man's part out of the Book of Life and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in the Book of Revelation, if any man takes away from the words of the book of the prophecies found in the Book of Revelation;
--- the Tree of Life Overwhelming Death;
--- the Tree of Life Putting Death to Death;
--- the Tree of Life Without Death and death by any means;
--- the Tree of the Knowledge of Good Overcoming Evil;
--- the Tree of Life Overwhelming Lucifer as such will be a blessing for all the Body of Christ past, present, and future that have recourse to God;
--- the Tree of Life Providing the Knowledge of Good Without Evil;
--- the Tree of Life Providing the Truth to set all of God's Redeemed Free;
--- the Tree of Life moving God's Redeemed from success to success and to the greatest successes and to the fullest and greatest final success that can be had in Christ;
--- the Tree of Life moving God's Redeemed from victory to victory and to the greatest victory and to the fullest and greatest final victory that can be had in Christ;
--- the Tree of Life providing the 3rd World-Multiverse Final Age of Glory Without Lucifer, Without Lucifer's present and future permanent, lesser numbered, diabolical, outwitted body;
--- the Tree of Life Without Death, Without death;
--- the Tree of Life Executing His Eternal Decision to Truly convert the Tares that can be Truly converted that they too might be prepared and be given power to overcome Lucifer that they too might be allowed entry to also be given permanent residence in Heaven Post-Final Restoration, where they too might be given the right to exist in Glory, if they are moved to turn their heel against Lucifer and Truly Overcome him by the Spirit of God before the End of Times;
------that the Truly Converted Tares, if such things are possible, might also have their part in the Victory of Christ where God too might move even the Tares to overcome Lucifer in the battle against the antichrist and against the antichrist spirit whereby the Tares and even devils under the control of Lucifer might be moved to rebel against Lucifer to join the Body of Christ before the End of Times;
------that the Truly Converted Tares might also wine and dine with Christ at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb, that the Body of Christ might fully rejoice at such conversion; if such things are possible with God, that there might also be Salvation for the Tares that repent before the End of Times, where they too might conditionally be saved, if God makes a way for them to Truly and Sincerely repent;,
------that the Truly Converted Tares might also be adopted by Christ and be given the Holy Spirit, that they too might also be snatched from the Fire that will devour all of Christ's adversaries; especially at the Final Restoration when Lucifer and his kingdom is destroyed;
--- the Tree of Life Providing God's Redeemed with the Complete Victory that is in Christ;
--- the Tree of Life Providing the Redeemed to partake in the Eternal Glory, Joy, Happiness, Success, Victory, Triumph, Prosperity, Riches, Treasures, Wealth, Superabundance Overflowing, Blessings Overflowing and God's Blessings and Eternal Life in Christ shall overtake all of God's Redeemed;
--- the Tree of Life casting Lucifer and Lucifer's present and future permanent, lesser numbered, diabolical, outwitted body that have irreversibly become one with Lucifer into the Lake of Fire without Mercy to receive God's Wrath Without Mixture, God's Righteous Indignation, God's Fury, God's Vengeance, God's Plagues, God's Torments, and God's Curses, where they will have weeping and gnashing of teeth, where the worm will die not, and where God's Eternal Vengeance will cause all of God's Redeemed, God's Saints, and God's Martyrs to Rejoice forever and ever ad infinitum;
* reverse and destroy the deceptions and the works of the antichrist to bring all those that have recourse to God back into a mindset of Original Truth;
* cause the Spirit of Truth to lead those that have recourse to God into all Truth and that the Way of God may be continually before them and that the Life may be more abundantly bestowed on those that have recourse to God; * cause the Spirit of Truth to Continually lead those that have recourse to God, where Truth is Continually confirmed by the Holy Spirit and by God's Power where Truth is continually revealed and is Given Fully and Freely to all those that have recourse to God;
*cause God to have us receive each Truth and all Truth as God wants to give us His Truths with Godspeed as God Grants Godspeed to whomever He may that God may bless all that have recourse to Him to receive the Truth, to keep us in His Way, to have us keep His Sayings and His Works, that we may receive Life more abundantly in a manner that only God can Bless us with and provide;
* cause all who love the Lord to receive and retain the Holy Spirit where said individuals that receive the Holy Spirit may demonstrate the Presence and the Power of the Holy Spirit as is in accord with Divine Will;
* cause God's Blessings to flow from His Throne that all those that have recourse to God may be Enlightened, that the Light of God may transfer itself into all facets and aspects of Life;
* cause the perfection of all Spiritual Endeavors, that Commerce, Trade, Politics, Religion, Education, may be freed from Mystery Babylon;
* cause the Spirit of God to take over and Reign in all worldly endeavors as God Rules in Heaven where He will take up His Power and Reign Fully upon the Earth and in all Worlds;
* cause God's Saints to WAR against the spiritual adversary, not the flesh, IN FULL; cause God's Saints to inherit the earth; and cause God's Saints to reign with Christ forever;
* cause God to Bless those that He wishes to Bless that prosperity may only occur through the Holy Spirit;
* empower man to defeat Satan in every area including but not limited to matters concerning prosperity, wealth, success, victory, abundance, increase, blessings and miracles where God will show to all that only He Rules by His Spirit exposing Satan and his operations and works fully and where God will bring Satan to his demise;
* give man wisdom, knowledge, skills, talents, spiritual gifts, and prosperity that comes from God;
* allow man to engage in technology development, and respective proprietary and non-proprietary technology transfer operations;
move man to engage by the Spirit of God in all initiatives including political, diplomatic, goodwill missions, including spiritual missions that will
increase temporal and eternal prosperity through true God-inspired win-win solutions that are empowered by God's Spirit;
* have man seek the true good of others, to engage in God's Works continually, to reverse falsehoods, chaos, and oppression;
* cause man to be freed from the heavy yoke and burden of the antichrist that the heavy yoke and burden of the antichrist, including death, may be destroyed;
* cause the redemption of mortal bodies that mortal man may take on incorruptible bodies and that mortal souls may take on immortality by the Spirit of God;
* cause Satan to receive the Second Death;
* cause mankind to receive Paradise where the Serpent will have been exterminated and where man will never have to deal with the Serpent again... that mankind and all creation that may have won the favor of Christ, that Christ may come in a favorable day upon the earth to bring Eternal Reward without punishment to those that have been adopted by Christ, and or converted to receive Christ, that all, including the Tares that might be Eternally Converted might also enjoy the Deliverance of Christ that that such too might remain where even the Reapers will Rejoice at the Wonders of Christ
...that only one may end up being Lost as the scriptures state that Lucifer may be the One that will be Lost that we all may enjoy the Garden of Paradise without the influence of the Serpent again;
* cause the redemption of mankind that Christ died for;
* align mankind that Christ died for back into the flow of perfect Holy Communion and direct communication with God with the added benefit of Eternal Life, where death of every kind as it relates to the Body of Christ that has recourse to God will be brought to an end;
* cause mankind's steps to be directed by God that mankind and all that have recourse to God may be redeemed and be delivered from the brainwashing and the captivity of false teachings, doctrines, dogmas, practices, operations, works, thoughts, actions, knowledge (and the lack thereof), that all these and every other negative influence that is contrary to the Truth and to the Way and Will of God may be blotted out of existence;
* eliminate violence and disharmony and all influences that disrupt the receipt, increase, and growth of Divine Joy, Truth, Wisdom, Understanding, Divine Peace, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.
16. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired initiatives that will engage in the endeavor of catalyzing proprietary and non-proprietary God-inspired collaborations that will lead to eliminating problems and to enhancing life locally, regionally, nationally, and or internationally.
17. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired initiatives that will assist all nations, companies, organizations, associations, world leaders, and individuals to solve internal and external problems locally, regionally, nationally, and or internationally for the greater benefit of all societies.
18. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired initiatives and ventures that will stand as God-inspired preemptive catalysts in the international matrix that work towards establishing:
---a Beneficial God-inspired World Order,
---The Grand Order that will be The Final and Lasting Order that will shatter the False One World Political System of all Antichrist Systems, making all things subject to the Liberating, Life-Giving, Healing Power, and Full Authority of Jesus Christ,
---the unification of All Nations and Worlds for the Eternal Age to Come, that God's Glory may increase more abundantly, more infinitely, and more powerfully now and in the future than in the past,
---Blessings for those that God has redeemed in a manner that will Awesomely Expand God's Glory, Truth, Wisdom and Joy Filling All Things, Individuals, and Entities that will Remain with His Spirit and with the Fruits and Blessings of God's Spirit.
19. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired Righteous Initiatives that will establish greater God-inspired defenses within each country to better preserve and enhance life as such would relate to the benefit of the international community and in arising interplanetary societies developed by terra-earth humans, including Spiritual and celestial alliances as such are developed by and led by the Holy Spirit.
20. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired initiatives that will lead to the development and improvement of God-inspired products having greater functionality and utility.
21. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired initiatives that will lead to developing processes and manufacturing methods that will endeavor to make production more efficient, more economical, and more ecological while creating a better and more fulfilling work environment.
22. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired initiatives leading to collaborations that will move businesses to pursue interests that will be more beneficial to local, regional, national, and international interests that will concurrently increase corporate and individual God-inspired wealth in all market niches.
23. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired initiatives that will lead to developing local, regional, national and international forums designed to provide avenues that will develop and guide entities and individuals to increasingly join, develop, and manage collaborations that will increase the quality of life in all localities.
24. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired local, regional, national, and international initiatives that will engage in improving business and governmental operations while respecting individual interests through collaborative forums and specialized management operations.
25. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired local, regional, national, and international initiatives and forums that will better serve, manage and develop the greater interests of all entities, including but not limited to operations relating to the interests of governments, businesses, private and public interests, and individuals that might be influenced.
26. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired local, regional, national, and international initiatives and forums designed to formulate and manage ways to increase the wealth and productivity of all people collaborating to develop and commercialize products and services and or as such may be moved to perform good will and or engage in duty that will benefit society.
27. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired local, regional, national, and international initiatives and forums designed to increase a greater righteous spirituality in all facets of life including entertainment, business, political, defense, and research interests with a view towards creating a more benevolent international society and with a view towards enlightened transformation allowing humanity to grow positively in every area.
28. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired initiatives that will help establish greater and more beneficial revolutionary and evolutionary collaborations geared towards improving industries, business operations, processes, manufacturing, research and development interests, education, politics, and entertainment geared towards creating a better world for every individual, and applying these and other values everywhere where advancement can be established.
29. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired initiatives that will provide cutting edge technology, that will automate information exchange, processes, business operations, collaborations, stimulate technology transfer, and to provide management tools that will assist in better, more comprehensive, more efficient decision making, to best harness and utilize the God-inspired “Knowledge Universe” of the international community, and or wherever Life having the Holy Spirit may be found, and to reduce the duplication of efforts.
30. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired initiatives, works, prophesying, operations and duty that will destroy false images, false hopes, false peace, and that will destroy the heavy yokes and the burdens of all that has been imposed on mankind since the fall of Adam & Eve that resulted by the seducing nature of the antichrist.
The actualization of all God-inspired activities that will eliminate all darkness and evil, that will remove all evil coercion, affliction, and oppression; that will destroy the reinforcement of falsehood and separation from truth however slight and the development and management of alliances that greater truth, great good, life in more abundance, all blessings, benefits, and advantage be given to all who seek The Way, Truth, Life, Goodness, Righteousness, and The Love and Glory Of God, & His Blessings.
That the Blessings of God may be completely poured out upon the Body of Christ (past, present, and future) that all God's Blessings may overflow, be spread and be made available without hindrance throughout the Cosmos to all those that God wants to Bless.
That knowledge and power may increase that mankind may be clothed in the Righteousness of Christ and that God may take up His Power that the Earth, all habitats, and all realms, may be liberated by God's Spirit at God's command.
That the Spirit of Truth may lead us into all truth that man so destined may receive the Freedom from the yoke and burden of evil that only God's Spirit and Blessings and God's Power can and will provide.
That the True Light of God may dissolve and destroy the foundation of Mystery Babylon, halt its operations, crush its power, and bring it to naught where God will move mankind to receive the Eternal flow of unlimited blessings without hindrance freeing man.
That Truth and God's Works may complete the construction of The House of Truth where all Truths and prophesying may continually proceed out of the mouths of the sons and daughters that will prophesy.
That man may complete all God-inspired prophesying that is required by the Holy Spirit through True Super-abounding Faith that produces the Miracles of God until those that belong to God may cross the threshold from this Age to the Age of The Final Restoration.
That nothing may delay this achievement, where God will move the Blessed Body of Christ with Godspeed for this achievement to be accomplished, and where God will make sure that nothing will Delay the accomplishment of this achievement.
31. The development, implementation, and management of God-inspired initiatives that will structure and restructure alliances, or turn people around that have recourse to God for the greater good and benefit and advantage of all; to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers; and to work for the healing of nations preparing the way for the Glory of God to Come, locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally and or wherever Life exists or shall arise having the Spirit.
---To all that Stand for God that hold to and promote the Way of the Tree of Life that brings the True Light of God in full view,
---To those that seek the prosperity of their fellow man,
---To those that work diligently for the Healing of Nations that have Recourse to Salvation,
---To those that fervently work to move us past the present Threshold to The Final State of Glory,
---To those that ask God to receive anything that is in according to His Will:
May God Inspire, and may God Grant Godspeed, every blessing, and every miracle required to overcome the Wicked One and to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven of God and His Christ on the Earth.
May God defeat Satan completely and fully Bruise his head where God will pour out His Wrath Without Mixture upon Lucifer,
May the Vengeance of Almighty God be fully executed against the Enemies of Christ and upon the Devil,
May every curse be lifted from those that have recourse to God and from those that Christ died for,
May all those that mourn that have recourse to God and whom Christ died for be comforted and let them be Glad and Rejoice as they see God's Omnipotence in Action as God Completes the unfinished part of His Mystery concerning this Age.
Let us pray to God Almighty, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ who came to earth after being born in the flesh through the Virgin Birth, that God may add His Spirit, Power, and Glory to the cause of Christ working in us and through us towards the Full Accomplishment of God's Ends related to all that God wants to do through us, and as God may do on His Own, that God may deliver us that have recourse to God and that God may deliver His Promise and Establish New Jerusalem that will appear descending from Heaven without delay.
Even I ask God Almighty to accomplish these things as He desires in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ who shall return in Glory. I pray and believe that God will have me receive these blessings above to my benefit and to the benefit of those that have recourse to Christ.
I fervently stand in the faith and I welcome the Hand of God to permeate the Multiverse with His Spirit, to increase our Faith in Him so that all the prophecies that are yet unfulfilled may be fulfilled and so that the Faith of God's Peoples may reach its Zenith to produce the return of Christ in our generation.
I pray for greater righteousness to arise upon the earth that will cause the redeemed to move God to move heaven and earth to make the world ready for the glorious return of Jesus Christ. I ask God that God may grant all these things and I pray that all the prophecies related to us receiving the blessings of our age will be made manifest as God's judgments will be made manifest by those that will prophesy in our time. In the name of the most powerful and precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ I ask God for all these things to be accomplished in our time.
Let those that Agree with me on these things also say: "Amen!!"
Christ is magnified and is in our midst now and forever!!
These Directives are brought to you from the Uriel Corporation Think Tank.
These Inititatives have been conceived & developed by Uriel Corporation's President, CEO & Founder.
Last Update: 01-19-2024.